1,192 research outputs found

    Lo psicodramma della Banca Centrale Europea e la sindrome tedesca. Alcune considerazioni sul ruolo della BCE alla luce della sentenza del Bundesverfassungsgericht sulla legittimitĂ  delle OMT

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    By decision of 7 February 2014, the German Constitutional Court (BVG) has referred to the European Court of Justice the decision on the legality of the plan OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions), adopted in September 2012 by the European Central Bank to counter the risk of a breakup of the euro. The BVG considers the OMT an act of economic policy, not monetary policy, thus exceeding the powers granted to the ECB by the Treaties. It is unimportant for the purposes of the BVG (restore the chain transmission of money), but its primary direct effect ( the reduction in the spread of some states). The German Court would be willing to accept the plan OMT if it were subjected to limitations in the size of the interventions and the impact on financial markets and whether the ECB was granted the status of a secured creditor. The reconstructions of the rules and the events raised in the judgment of the BVG provide the opportunity to carry out some reflections on the floor of the interpretation of the fundamental rules of the European Union, as well as the role played by the ECB in resolving the Eurozone crisis

    La condizionalitĂ  politica della European Bank for Recostruction and Development

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    Il presente lavoro è mirato a controllare l'asserzione sulla scarsa determinazione dei governi occidentali nel favorire la democratizzazione dei paesi dell'est Europa. L'analisi empirica mostra che la modalità principale di applicazione della condizionalità politica da parte della EBRO è stata lo sbarramento all'accesso verso i regimi autoritari. Tuttavia, non tutte le dittature sono state sanzionate. Un trattamento diverso è stato riservato alla Serbia e Georgia da un lato e ai cinque paesi dell'Asia e all' Azeirbaijan dall'altro

    Prime riflessioni sulla legittimitĂ  delle OMT e sul ruolo della BCE alla luce di una recente sentenza della Corte costituzionale tedesca

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    By decision of 7 February 2014, the German Constitutional Court (BVG) has referred to the European Court of Justice the decision on the legality of the plan OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions), adopted in September 2012 by the European Central Bank to counter the risk of a breakup of the euro. The BVG considers the OMT an act of economic policy, not monetary policy, thus exceeding the powers granted to the ECB by the Treaties. It is unimportant for the purposes of the BVG (restore the chain transmission of money), but its primary direct effect ( the reduction in the spread of some states). The German Court would be willing to accept the plan OMT if it were subjected to limitations in the size of the interventions and the impact on financial markets and whether the ECB was granted the status of a secured creditor. The reconstructions of the rules and the events raised in the judgment of the BVG provide the opportunity to carry out some reflections on the floor of the interpretation of the fundamental rules of the European Union, as well as the role played by the ECB in resolving the Eurozone crisis

    The Mandate and the Activity of the International Monetary Fund

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    This paper explains the evolution of the International Monetary Fund’s mandate and discusses its role in supporting countries experiencing a macroeconomic crisis. We consider the conditionality attached to its loans and why it is convenient in some regards. Even though its operations and functioning raise many criticisms, we argue that the Fund is a necessary institution because it acts opposite to capital markets when it is necessary.International Monetary Fund, Conditionality, Structural Adjustment Programs.

    Atto primo. il bundesverfassungsgericht rinvia alla corte di giustizia su omt e poteri della bce. un’occasione per il futuro dell’unione europea

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    L’articolo si sofferma sulla recente ordinanza con cui il Bundesverfassungsgericht ha per la prima volta sollevato un rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea. Poiché le questioni vertono sulla legittimità del piano OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions) lanciato dalla Bce, la decisione del BVerfG potrebbe segnare uno snodo importante sia per il “cammino europeo” di Karlsruhe sia per le prospettive di sviluppo del processo di integrazione europea.The article focuses on the recent order by which, for the first time, the German Federal Constitutional Court has raised a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union. Since the questions concern the lawfulness of the OMT programme (Outright Monetary Transactions) launched by the ECB, the decision of the BVerfG could be an important turning point for both the “European path” of Karlsruhe and for future developments of the European integration process


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    The primary sector has always had a fundamental role in human activities. In recent years, major industrialised and developed countries increased demand for the positive externalities generated by the agriculture, while they reduced the importance of the sector in terms of production of food. The evolution of public intervention followed the change of the role of agriculture and has tried to propose instruments able to consider and balance both private and public interests. It is especially with the Mid Term Review (MTR) that policy maker has tried to implement a system of subsidies that bound the farmer to a series of activities related either directly or indirectly with the collective welfare. Moving from coupled aid to decoupled one linked to the respect of cross-compliance means changing the concept of public intervention. In this context, a useful evaluation tool should be able to analyse and to catch the changes in farmers behaviour by considering also the territory in order to locate the effects. The territory, as a matter of fact, is not only the place where the effects passively fall, but it is capable of interfering directly in the farmers decision-making process. Therefore, the development of specific methodologies able to analyze farmers’ behaviours and specific instruments linked to the territorial analysis could represent an important tool to assess agricultural policies effects both on enterprises and territory. In this framework a methodology based on the Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) and on the implementation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) seems to answer the several questions about the policies’ assessment and land-use planning. The present research integrates this two methodologies. PMP is used in a territorial model and it is based on the optimization of an objective function representing a farm gross margin while GIS allows to analyze territorial aspects and to locate the effects of the policy. This tool has been tested in a specific case study in order to analyse the effects of the CAP Reform (in particular decoupling, cross-compliance and modulation) on the primary sector and on farm land use potential changes. The innovative aspect of the research is the attempt to study the impact of agricultural policy through an optimization model that considers among its variables also the specific localization of farms. The final result is represented by the creation of georeferred maps in which the land use changes are evaluated and interpreted under the framework of multifunctionality, in terms of quantitative analysis regarding landscape and, abandonment risk and cattle distribution.Agricultural and Food Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Governo dell’economia e gestione dei conflitti nell’Unione europea. appunti sul principio di solidarietà

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    L’articolo analizza le diverse dimensioni del principio di solidarietà nel contesto del costituzionalismo europeo contemporaneo, avuto riguardo sia al diritto dell’Unione europea, sia all’incidenza del processo di integrazione sulle dinamiche costituzionali interne. In particolare, l’analisi del principio è inquadrata con riguardo alla gestione dei conflitti sorti in conseguenza della crisi economica e finanziaria che ha interessato l’Europa negli ultimi anni. Nella prima parte dell’articolo, si analizza il rilievo del principio di solidarietà nell’applicazione degli strumenti interni di controllo sulle misure di austerità adottate in conseguenza della crisi, anche in relazione al rapporto tra principio di solidarietà e pluralismo territoriale. Nella seconda parte dell’articolo, specificamente dedicata all’ordinamento dell’Unione europea vengono prese in esame quattro dimensioni del principio nel diritto dell’Unione (solidarietà fra stati, solidarietà fra cittadini, apertura del principio alla dimensione politica e compresenza di obblighi di prestazione, obblighi di lealtà e obblighi di responsabilità) analizzando la giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia che ha fatto applicazione del principio e, soprattutto, l’ambiguo carattere solidaristico delle misure di sostegno agli stati membri in difficoltà. In conclusione, l’Autore riflette, a partire dalle esperienze analizzate nel corso dell’articolo, sul legame tra solidarietà e conflitti, mettendo in luce come la dimensione normativa del principio – pur con le ambiguità che le sono connaturate – possa rappresentare uno strumento di gestione dei conflitti, senza negarne la valenza costitutiva nella dimensione politica
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